How to secure wifi network using MAC filter

How to secure WiFi network using mac filter facility in PTCL DSL modem – Provide internet on WiFi devices by using their mac address.

If you are searching for a technique of “how to secure WiFi network” than you are at right place. As you are using WiFi internet or provides internet service through WiFi router.  Or you manage internet service in any college, school, office or in your area.

You need to secure you Wi-Fi network with password. But when you provide this password to the users of WiFi than its security is zero. If you thing, you WiFi is secured with password than it’s totally wrong.

For example, you provide internet access through WiFi to people in your era. You must give them password of your Wi-Fi. Suppose some of them gives this password to other person(not have access to wifi).  And other person uses your internet freely. In other words, your Wi-Fi password is licked.

You may also like to read Backup and restore PTCL DSL modem settings before any change in modem settings.

how to secure wifi network using mac filter

how to secure wifi network using mac filter [trickybook.com]

When you notice that your Wi-Fi password is licked than you change it. But when you provide it to users of Wi-Fi than it may licked again. So, we need to secure it in other way. A way in which a person can’t access internet even he know Wi-Fi password. Means only that person access internet which you want.

How to secure wifi network using MAC filter

Your internet modems have a function of mac filter in WiFi settings. Enable it and give mac address of the devices. In this way, only those devices can access you WiFi which mac address is save in modem. A person cannot access Wi-Fi even he/she have wifi password. Now it depends on you that which mac address is enter or not.

How to add mac address and enable mac filter:-

  1. Open your modem settings in web browser. By using default ip address in URL. In my case this ip address is This ip address is different for different internet services.
  2. when this page open, it ask for username and password. By default username and password is admin. Use your password if you changed this already.
  3. After login to modem, you see some basic settings. Go to advanced configuration from here.
  4. Open wireless settings and check where MAC filter is. And open mac filter settings. By default mac filter was disabled. Click on add to enter a mac address of a device (want to give access).
    Add a Mac Address to provide wifi access

    Add a Mac Address to provide wifi access [trickybook.com]

  5. You see new area for entering mac address. Enter a mac address here and apply/save. After saving you are successfully enter a mac address.
    Add a Mac Address to provide wifi access

    Add a Mac Address to provide wifi access [trickybook.com]

  6. As i tell you by default mac filter is disabled. So, you need to enable mac filter. For that check on Allow. And save settings.
    Enable Mac filler on wifi

    Enable Mac filler on wifi [trickybook.com]

Now you are successfully secured your Wi-Fi using mac filter. This technique is mostly effective in offices, colleges and universities. Because by enter the mac address of Employees, teachers, students, customers and your fellow devices you provide them internet. Other people can’t access to your WiFi even they know your WiFi password.

Contact us! If you face any problem or issue in how to secure wifi network with mac filter. Comment below your suggestions and share this technique with your friends. You may also like to read How to use laptop as wifi router.

Mehran Aziz

I am a Student of Software Engineering. I love to share tips and techniques to solve Problems related to Internet and Computer technologies.