How to increase Typing Speed Best tips

How to increase typing speed easily – Best tips to improve typing speed – guide about typing master software and typing test websites.

In this modern age of information technology, Computer becomes essential part of our daily life. We need to learn basic things related to computer before working on it. Keyboard is one of the important parts of computer. Good typing speed on keyboard saves our time. When we apply for a job related to computer; they required 40 w/min (words per minute) or 60 w/min typing speed. Therefore, everyone wants to increase his/her typing speed. To solve this problem I write Best tips How to increase typing speed.

Follow below steps to increase your typing speed:

  1. If you are at earlier stage, first read the words places on keyboard and try to remember in your mind. You can type smoothly only, if you know the location of words (you want to press). Use given sentence to remember keyboard buttons. And type it in any text editor like notepad, text pad or MS word.

    A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

    You think what is important in this sentence. This sentence contains all alphabets. You type this sentence on keyboard; all alphabets are passing through your fingers. That is best way to learn keyboard alphabets and also for improving typing speed.

  2. Sometimes we try to type with single hand on keyboard. That’s not good. Always use both hands for typing on keyboard. No matter you are not having good typing ability. Place your hand like this.
    How to increase typing speed

    How to increase typing speed [trickybook.com]

  3. Use typing master to improve your typing speed. Continue typing practice is also boring, to solve this problem typing masters provide typing games. Improve typing speed with typing games is an entertainment process. So, download typing master now and start practice on it.
  4. When you start typing practice, your speed may much slow. So, focus on correct sentence or words not on speed. Increase your typing speed with accuracy of sentence.
  5. Typing test websites are not much helpful for improving typing speed. They only help in checking your typing speed. So, use typing master to improve your typing speed.
  6. Use social website for typing practice. When you chat with friends; don’t type randomly. Follow the instruction of typing master (which you use for typing practice) in chat also.

Finally, do practice regularly for 30 to 45 mints. You will get good result in few days 🙂 . Please don’t stop your typing practice after achieving good typing speed. If you stop typing you lose your speed 🙁 .

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Mehran Aziz

I am a Student of Software Engineering. I love to share tips and techniques to solve Problems related to Internet and Computer technologies.