How to block and unblock someone on Skype

How to block and unblock someone on Skype – how to delete skype contacts from skype contact list with skype app screen shoots.

As you know Skype is a best social media for communication all over the world. It provides you facility to communicate with different kind of people. You can meet with your family members, friends and many others also.

So, when you survive such kind of era, you need some kind of privacy. You add your friends, relatives, fellows, family members in Skype Contact list, for communication with them. Skype provide you the facility of remove and block these contacts.

The procedure of Blocking and removing someone from Skype is simple (also given below). But problem is how to unblock someone after blocked. So the solution of how to block and unblock someone on Skype is below.

You may also like to read How to delete Skype chat & call history.

How to block/remove someone from Skype contact list

Search someone (want to remove) from your Skype contact list. When you find that contact then right click on it. You see a list of tasks to perform on selected Skype contact.

  1. Select Remove from contacts. It may ask for conformation; conform it and it will remove.
  2. If you want to block this contact than select Block This Person. This asks for “also removal from contact list”; does this as you wish.

    How to block/remove someone on skype

    How to block/remove someone on skype

How to unblock someone on Skype

  1. First of all login to Skype by using skype app. Go to top menu in Skype software (app). Click on Skype (1st option) and select Privacy.

    open privacy to Unblock someone on skype

    open privacy to Unblock someone on skype

  2. You’ll see new Skype window of OptionsIn options, select blocked Contacts right below of privacy settings. Here you see the blocked contacts which you already blocked. If you not block someone than you find this field empty.
    unblock someone on skype

    unblock someone on skype [trickybook.com]

  3. Select a contact from these blocked people and press “Unblock this person button. (Unblock button is available on right side).
  4. After doing all above steps, save settings by pressing save from the right below.

Hope! now you have idea “how to block and unblock someone on Skype”. Now you can easily remove/block unnecessary contacts from contact list. Comment below for any problem about this article. Please share this with your friends. Thanks for reading!

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Mehran Aziz

I am a Student of Software Engineering. I love to share tips and techniques to solve Problems related to Internet and Computer technologies.