Windows file sharing and accessing via ip Address – how to share files to one or more computers on network – sharing between two computers.
If you are finding the procedure for Windows file sharing and accessing via ip Address than you are at right place. We use file sharing to share our data with other users, on the same network.
File sharing in home group and work group is already discussed. Now I am come with file sharing on network. With this procedure you can access shared data on any internet device (computer, laptop). This is also for file sharing between two computers.
Now follow below steps to understand the complete procedure of file sharing and accessing on windows operating system.
Steps to provide windows file sharing:-
- First of all, keep all files (want to share) in a folder.
- Right click on folder and open its properties.
- Go to sharing era in folder properties. Here you see three things “Share“, “Advanced Sharing” and “Network and Sharing Center“.
- Open share from properties. Select “Everyone” from users (with share files) and add to list.
- After adding, Click on Share to share these files.
Advanced Sharing:
- In advanced sharing, you can change the share name of the folder.
- Limit the number of users which access these files at the same time. By default, there are 20 users and you can increase or decrease. When more users access your share files than your computer speed is slow. Therefore, manage it according to your computer capability.
- Permissions: for mange the control of the share files for the users. You can provide control of three types.
Only read Only change Full control
Network and Sharing Center:
When you share files to Everyone than all network users can see these files. But only those Users can access/open these files that have “username and password”.
- If you want to provide this sharing to everyone without password protection than open Network and sharing Center. In network and sharing center, Scroll down to “Password protected sharing”.
- Select “turn off password protected sharing”. And save these settings. Now everyone can access/open shared files without any “username and password”.
- Select “turn on password protected sharing” to provide sharing with “username and password”.
Follow steps to access shared files via ip Address:-
- If you want to provide sharing with ip address than First assign a static IP address in your computer. You know the procedure of assigning static IP address; that’s good. Otherwise read this How to Assign a Static IP Address in Windows.
- After Assign a static ip address, provide this IP address to users. Users can access shared files when they write this IP address in Run.
- Open Run by press “Windows+R” button. Type \\ip address like \\ and press enter. A window of shared files is appeared.
Hope! you are able to provide windows file sharing and accessing via ip Address. Comment below! if you face any confusion or problem. You may also like to read How to create a shortcut to shared network folder.