How to change startup programs in windows

How to change startup programs in windows (xp, 7 and 8) – complete procedure for enable and disable startup programs with easy steps.

As we know starup programs are automatically run (execute) at windows startup. Start of these programs at startup; is helpful. For example, anti-virus start protection from virus as windows starts. Internet download manger starts working from startup and automatically gives downloading option. So, running programs at startup is good.
On the other side, if many programs are executed at startup than this cause problem. Due to many programs execution at startup; windows performance is down at start. You need to disable some startup programs to maintain this issue. Follow below procedure of how to change startup programs to perfom this action.

Steps to change startup programs in windows 8 and 8.1

  1. In windows 8, 8.1, Press Ctrl + shift + Esc to open task manager.
  2. If you see small window of task manager than select More details from the bottom task manager window.
  3. You see different categories (processes, performance, app history, startup, details and Services) in task manager. Go to Startup and select any program (you want to enable or disable at startup). After select program, performs enable/disable task from bottom right.
    How to change startup programs in windows 8, 8.1

    How to change startup programs in windows 8, 8.1 [trickybook.com]

Steps to change startup programs in windows 7 and xp

Procedure of changing startup programs is similar in windows 7 and xp. So, follow same steps for change startup programs in both windows.

  1. In windows 7 and xp, open run from start menu or press Window+R button. Type msconfig in run window and press enter.
  2. You see “system configuration in windows” 7 and “system configuration utility” in windows xp. Select Startup from top menu of system configuration.
  3. In startup category, you find startup programs. Change startup programs by performing enable or disable task.
    how to change startup programs in windows 7 and xp

    how to change startup programs in windows 7 and xp [trickybook.com]

  4. After performing enable/disable task, reboot windows to apply settings.
    reboot after changing starup programs

    reboot after changing starup programs [trickybook.com]

Now you can enable/disable your startup programs. If you still have any confusion or problem about changing startup programs than comment below.  You may also like to read How to show hidden folders in windows.

Mehran Aziz

I am a Student of Software Engineering. I love to share tips and techniques to solve Problems related to Internet and Computer technologies.