How to crack IDM manually on windows

How to crack IDM manually on windows – you can successfully crack internet download manager of version 6.19 or 6.21 and also resolve fake key error.

I am come with the trick of ‘How to crack IDM manually on windows’. You may crack IDM and also many other software. The procedure of cracking software is almost same. But cracking latest versions of IDM is going more difficult.

More of us unable to crack latest IDM and other who can crack IDM may also face different problems. For example, they face fake key error message at startup or after some intervals.

No double many people can solve these problems in their own methods. But I am telling you the complete and successful method of cracking IDM and also resolving fake key error massages. After reading below procedure, you can successfully crack IDM 6.21 and resolve fake key error 🙂 . So, let’s come with me.

First uninstall IDM

  1. Check either IDM icon is show in taskbar or not. If you see this right click on it and Exit it.
    Exit IDM from taskbar

    Exit IDM from taskbar [trickybook.com]

  2. When you ensure that idm is not running than go to control panel. Open programs and features through Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Programs and Features.
  3. In programs and features, right click on internet download manger and uninstall it.
  4. Choice Complete uninstall option and press next.  After pressing three times next. You see finish button, Press it.
    uninstall idm completly

    uninstall idm completly [trickybook.com]

  5. After uninstalling IDM, your computer need to reboot, so press OK button and do it.
  6. After reboot, you are ready to install and crack new IDM.

Now download the setup of IDM 6.21 with crack. This setup is compressed in winrar file. Extract it before reading ‘how to crack idm manually’.

Download IDM + Crack

Extract IDM with winrar

Extract IDM with winrar [trickybook.com]

How to crack IDM manually 

  1. Open folder idm 6.21 and go in setup folder. Here you see IDM621.exe file which is the setup open and install it. Press next 4 times and at last finish it.
  2. After installation of IDM, you see different massages like “fake key error, or registration messages”. Cancel all of these and make sure that IDM is stop.
    cancel registration message

    cancel registration message [trickybook.com]

  3. Now open second folder name crack and copy IDMan.exe file.
  4. Go to C drive or windows installed drive, “in program files (if windows is 32 bit) otherwise in program files (x86) (if windows is 64 bit )” you see internet download manager folder. Open this folder and past copied file.
  5. Because this file is already present here. Therefore, it will ask to replace existing file. So, you need to select copy and replace option.
  6. Before replacing it want administrator permission, so press continue. You successfully crack IDM 6.21.
  7. Now the final step of how to crack IDM manually is ‘update windows registry files’. For that go back to crack folder. you see RegKey_32.reg and RegKey_64.reg files. These are according to your windows operating system. Run RegKey_32.reg if you windows is 32 bit otherwise run RegKey_64.reg.
    Update registry after crack idm

    Update registry after crack idm [trickybook.com]

  8. Press Yes for providing permission to change in registry. and then press OK.

Now you are successfully cracked IDM 6.21 for life time. Please don’t update if you see IDM update message simply cancel it. Comment below if you face any problem in How to crack IDM manually.

Now you are excited for testing idm. Wait, check either Google chrome extensions have “IDM integration module extension” installed.

If this extension is not available here than go to C drive and in internet download manager folder find IDMGCExt.crx file. Select it and drag it on chrome extensions page with mouse courser. If you face any problem in installing extension than I recommend to you read How to fix IDM Integration Module.

Mehran Aziz

I am a Student of Software Engineering. I love to share tips and techniques to solve Problems related to Internet and Computer technologies.