9 best new Windows 10 features

Best new Windows 10 features list and some information about them – also these features comparison with previous versions.

Here is the best new Windows 10 features list. All the features which are listed below are not new. Some of them are updated from previous features. Now these features are really amazing.

Personally i like all operating system either Linux, mac or windows. As I check the new features of windows 10, i fell that many changes in these features come from other operating systems like Linux/Mac systems. This thing is really good because this is welcome for Linux/mac users.

These changes are really help for new and also current users of windows operating system. Some of best new windows 10 features are listed below. So, let’s read them.

Return of the Start menu

First best new Windows 10 feature is return of the start menu. Start menu same like start menu of the windows 7.

  • Here search bar and all apps available.
  • You will find traditional windows desktop apps and also metro apps/universal apps here.
  • You can pin your favorite apps at right side of the start menu. These pinned apps can easily unpin from here by right click on it.
  • Same like windows 8, you see moving tiles at right side of the start menu. You can resize these tiles also.
start menu return

start menu return [trickybook.com]

Window Universal Apps 

Updated windowed universal apps view is best Windows 10 features. Universal apps are same like windows 8 but flexibility in their appearances is increased.

  • Now you can Maxims, minims and also open universal app in any size like other windows desktop apps.
  • In windows 8, we open the settings of any app by right click in the app but this thing is changed in windows 10. Now you see a hand burger button at the top right side of the universal app. Here you find all settings and functionality of the app.
windows store apps updated view

windows store apps updated view

Task View

Windows 10 best new feature is Task View for multiple desktops. Task view is a virtual desktop technology. This feature is not new for those who are pretty familiar with Linux/mac operating system. But this thing is definitely new for windows users. The idea behind this feature is to increase the number of desktops. For example we have only one desktop in windows 7 or 8. We open all apps (either desktop or universal apps) on that single desktop. Now in windows 10 you can open more than one desktop and can open different apps on different desktop.

  • You can see only those apps which are available on that desktop (which you are currently selected). Other apps are hidden (which are opened on other desktops).
  • You can create, view, remove desktop from task view. We can also move open apps from one desktop to other desktop.
  • The apps which are opened on other desktops are having a thin line below them in the task bar.
task view for managing desktops

task view for managing desktopstask view


Windows 10 best new feature 4 is continuum. Continuum is actually for the tablet environment. For example first you attach mouse and keyboard with tablet. And when you detach them than windows 10 automatically change the environment like start button shift to tablet start button. At that time UI elements become bigger to allow you to easily navigate with finger on tablet screen. For more understanding about this feature watch below video.

Snap Assist

Snap assist is available in all versions of windows and also present in windows 10. But now it was updated.

  • Earlier versions: When we took any open window to right/left side it is fit and takes half desktop. We can only keep two windows with the walls of the desktop (one at right and other at left side).
  • In windows 10 Now in windows 10 you can keep maxim 4 windows. Two windows can set at right side and two at left side.
snap assist desktop view

snap assist desktop view in windows 10 features

Notification Center

Microsoft notification area. A notification icon is available in taskbar. When you click on it you see an inner active box there.

  • A list of notifications of different apps on your system will appearing. When click on a notification massage, it take you some related area of that notification.
  • You can customize notification settings. In notification settings, you can on/off app notification, sound of notification and much more. You can also stop notification during specific hours.

File Explorer Tweaks

One of the best windows 10 features is file explorer. Now window explorer is called file explorer. But file explorer is updated in windows 10.

  • Here is a home screen layout. It decreases the use of favorites. You know that we can only add a shortcut of any item or folder in favorites. But in home you can pin any folder or item directly, by right click on the folder/item.
  • You see a blue color pined icons along with pined item in home. You can simply use this icon if you want to remove these items from Home.
  • In file explorer share portion is also updated. Select a file form file explore and go ,at the top, share area. Click on Share button than any related application to this is show up. For example you can this file in mail.
updated file explorer

updated file explorer [trickybook.com]

Universal Search 

This is really amazing you can search anywhere at the sometime. Universal search provides results from system and also from internet. Click on search icon in the taskbar. A mini browser is opened. In this mini browser, you see Bing trading at the right side and recent searches at the left side. You can can also clear this search history.

  • When you search anything in search bar than by default it appear in Microsoft Bing search engine. By default, it provide web results.
  • To items from system, click on files that is under the search bar. You see local files which are present in you system.
universal search in windows 10

universal search in windows 10 features [trickybook.com]

Windows PowerShell v5

PowerShell v5 is one of the best Windows 10 features. Windows 10 comes with power shell version 5. This is a latest and greatest version of PowerShell. Here the most important thing is packages related commands. If you use Linux you may install different software through command line. For example, in terminal we use apt-get commands for installing, updating software. Now that same functionality is come in windows PowerShell v5.  You can install software through PowerShell and leave the browsing on web browsers.

powershellv5 in windows 10

powershellv5 best windows 10 features  [trickybook]

Final words Above is the summary of some best windows 10 features. Hope! You like this. These are my analysis. What is your analysis and what you find new in technical preview? Share with your friends and with us. Submit information about any new feature other than above.

Mehran Aziz

I am a Student of Software Engineering. I love to share tips and techniques to solve Problems related to Internet and Computer technologies.