How to use keyboard as mouse in windows

How to use keyboard as mouse to move cursor in windows 7/8- Complete setting of using keyboard for moving mouse cursor effectively.

No doubt mouse is very important device when we work in graphical environment. As we use mouse cursor in windows environment (pointing tool) to perform as much as possible tasks.

But sometimes when you not have a mouse or your mouse is not working properly than don’t worry more. Because you can use your keyboard to perform all tasks which you need to do with mouse.

You can move your cursor with numeric key of keyboard. The method of how to use keyboard as mouse in windows is available below. Just follow the below easy steps with screenshots. You may like to read How to change startup programs in windows.

How to use keyboard as mouse in windows

  1. Go to control panel in your windows. Click on Ease of Access.
    Select easy of access option in control panel

    Select easy of access option in control panel [trickybook.com]

  2. Select Ease of Access Center from Here. and then click on Make the mouse easier to use.
    make the mouse ease to use

    make the mouse ease to use [trickybook.com]

  3. Now you see all mouse settings here. Click on set up Mouse Keys under the “Control the mouse with the keyboard” settings.

This set up Mouse Keys windows contains all settings for using keyboard as mouse.

  • First check button is for enable mouse keys, so check it.
  • In the session of pointer speed, move speed and acceleration sliders to full right side to achieve high and fast levels respectively.
  • Next check “Hold down CTRL to speed up and SHIFT to slow down” button. After selecting this option, you can move cursor with more/less speed by pressing ctrl/shift keys.
  • After doing all these settings, like in below image click on Apply to save these settings.
    how to use keyboard as mouse

    how to use keyboard as mouse [trickybook.com]

When you doing all above settings; You are able to move mouse cursor with keyboard 🙂 . You can use followings numeric keys to move cursor.

top left corner top right corner bottom left corner bottom right
left click
7 9 1 3 5
 up side down side left side right side ON/OFF
 8  2 4 6  Num Lock

These are the default numeric keys which you find on external or laptop (having full keyboard) keyboard. These key may be different, if your keyboard layout is different. You may also like to check Best new Windows 10 features.

Mehran Aziz

I am a Student of Software Engineering. I love to share tips and techniques to solve Problems related to Internet and Computer technologies.