Windows file sharing with straight cable

Windows file sharing with straight cable – connecting two computers-file sharing is windows feature to share one computer data to other computer.

Windows file sharing with straight cable from one computer/laptop to another computer/laptop. We connect two computers for sharing their files. Usually we use cross cable for transfer data from pc to pc but we can also use straight cable to transfer data from one computer to other computer.

For this process we give IP in both computers and transfer data from pc to pc. I tell you the process in which you can transfer data up to 10MBs by using home group, which is available in window 7, 8, 8.1.

Windows file sharing with straight cable

Windows file sharing with straight cable [trickybook.com]

The whole process is as following:


  • Straight cable with RJ 47 connectors.
  • Two laptops or PC with Window operating system.


  1. Connect both Computers (A & B) through cable.
  2. After connecting computers, open run or press window + R buttons. Write CMD and press enter. This process is done in both A & B computers.
  3. Write ipconfig/all in CMD and press enter. Get IP address of local area connection if you are user of window 7 and eternal if you are user of window 8, 8.1.
  4. Write ip address of both computers in txt file or simply remember if you have a good memory.
  5. Give the IP address (which find in CMD) of computer A in computer B and computer B in Computer A.
  6. After giving ip address Computers are in connecting states. We can access shared files of computer A in computer B and vice versa. But if we want to copy shared files than speed is two much low.
  7. To increase the speed create home group in one of the computers and join this home group from other computer. You may need to read Complete process of creating home group.
  8. Now share data (files) in home group and get access 10 MBs data copy speed.

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Mehran Aziz

I am a Student of Software Engineering. I love to share tips and techniques to solve Problems related to Internet and Computer technologies.