How to Backup and Restore PTCL DSL modem settings – Do this important step, before any changing in your DSL modem settings.
You may need to change configuration settings of DSL modem. like changing WiFi password, use time restriction or mac filter options, make a bridge and there are a lot more settings.
But you not try new things because you are afraid for the loss of settings. So, no more scare to try new things. You may familiar or not from backup and restore PTCL DSL modem settings facility. This facility provides you a backup (.conf) file which contains all your modem settings. This file is in some kilobytes (kb).
When you download this file in your pc, you can do any change in configuration setting without any fear. And at any stage where you do some wrong settings and not find its correction than simply restore backup file. Follow below steps to backup and restore PTCL DSL modem settings.
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Procedure to backup PTCL DSL modem settings
- First of all login to dsl modem by write ip in browser url. If you not already login to DSL modem or you not change the password than simple use default login (admin as username and also admin as password). In latest PTCL modem, the username is remaining admin. But password in no more admin. But don’t worry their password is written behind dsl modem. So, find it and login.
- When you are successfully login to dsl modem, you see some basic settings. Click on Advanced settings to see complete settings. You can also check your PTCL bill online free.
- In advance settings, there is a list of different option at the left side. Click on management option and select settings under management. In settings, you see three options “backup, restore and restore default”. Click on backup option to backup the configuration settings.
- At the right side, backup settings button is appearing click on it, to save your router configurations to a file on your PC. Extension of this file is .conf.
How to restore PTCL DSL modem settings
- If you want to update / restore your backup settings from your pc. Again go to management > settings > update settings. At the right side, you see two buttons Choose File and Update Settings. Click on choose file button to select a file from your PC.
- After choosing file, click on update settings button. When file is updated than modem is reboot to achieve new settings.
Remember! There is also a third option available which is Restore default. Use this option carefully because it changes all your settings to default settings. After reading above procedure, you are able to backup and restore PTCL DSL modem settings. Now change any modem settings and do any experiment you want without the afraid of problem in modem settings.