How to create a homegroup on windows 7 and 8

How to create a homegroup on windows 7 and 8 – for sharing files of one computer to other computers, which are on the same network.

Today I come with How to create a homegroup on windows 7 and 8. Homegroup is use for sharing and accessing files on the local host in Windows operating systems. It is very efficient in office, home computers and at all places where numbers of computers are connected together.

With the help of Homegroup one user of a computer can share its files for the user of other computer which is on the same network. Other computers (which are joined with homegroup) can access these files. Homegroup also provide privacy in sharing of files. You can share your files to a specific computer or to all computers that join the homegroup.


  • Your computer is connected to internet modem like PTCL DSL modem.
  • Computer have windows operating system (7, 8, 8.1).

The process of creating Homegroup on windows 7 and 8 is as following:

  1. Open control panel. and choose homegroup and sharing options.
    homegroup on windows 7 and 8
  2. Click to create a  homegroup like in the picture.
    homegroup on windows 7 and 8
  3. New window is open after click on create a homegroup. Press next for forward process. Next you get permission window in which you select which files you want to share.
    homegroup on windows 7 and 8
  4. When you select your options for sharing than after pressing next button Homegroup on windows is created which have a by default password. click finish and enjoy.
    homegroup on windows 7 and 8If you have any problem about this . comment please..


Mehran Aziz

I am a Student of Software Engineering. I love to share tips and techniques to solve Problems related to Internet and Computer technologies.