How to create a virtual machine using vmware

How to create a virtual machine using vmware workstation 10 – learn how to make windows 7 virtual machine using VMware workstaion.

Everyone knows the importance of virtual machine. Virtual machine provides a very good platform to work virtually on windows.

Creating virtual machine is very simple. You can use any operating system like Ubuntu, windows, fedora, Red hat Linux etc. Or any server like mikrotik, windows, ubuntu severs and many others.

After making these virtual machine you can do any experiments on them. For example, you want to learn mikrotik server configuration than you can simply do this on your own system. You can also create ubuntu proxy servers virtually.

Due to these advantages of virtual machine, we need to work on it. So, no more wait just start learning How to create a virtual machine using VMware workstation.

Follow bellow steps to create a virtual machine:

Open VMware Workstation and click on File in the menu bar. Here select Create a New virtual machine or simply press ctrl + n buttons.

  1. A new window name “New Virtual Machine Wizard” is appearing. Here you need to select, what type of configuration you want to use. Select Typical if you are new user and press next.
  2. There are three options
    • Use first option if operating system/server is on Disk.
    • 2nd for selecting ISO image of the operating system during creation of virtual machine.
    • In 3rd you can create a virtual machine without any operating system. But you need to select an operating system in ISO format, before using this virtual machine.

    three methods to select operating system

    three methods for how to create a virtual machine   [trickybook.com]

  3. In my case, I select second option and browse an iso image of windows 7 from my system. This iso image may be of an operating system or server.
  4. In next window you need to select guest operating system type and there version. Select Microsoft windows if your operating system is windows product (like windows 7, 8 or windows server 2008, 2003). Or select Linux if you want to install any Linux distro like (fedora, Ubuntu etc).
  5. Next page enter a product key; you need to enter this product key in case of windows product.And select flavor of windows product (professional, home basic, premium etc). Linux products not required product keys. at the end press next.
    enter a product key and select flavor

    enter a product key and select flavor [trickybook.com]

  6. Here you see default name and path for the new virtual machine. You can change name and also the path of the virtual machine if you want. and press next.
    Change name and path of the virtual machine

    Change name and path of the virtual machine [trickybook.com]

  7. Set the size of the disk, by default it is 60 GB for windows. Change this to 20 GB or as you like. Select split virtual disk into multiple files option from below. This option provides you help to use virtual machine on any other system.  Just copy the folder which contains the virtual machine files and past on other system which also have Virtual machine software.  And use it.
    Select disk space and way of saving data

    Select disk space and way of saving data [trickybook.com]

  8. In next window you can customize hardware, like you can increase or decrease the ram allocation to virtual machine. and finally press finish.

VMware start creating disk. After few seconds, you see operating system installation is start which you want to install on in virtual machine. This installation is similar like normal installation. This procedure requires some time and it depends upon your physical memory allocation. If you allocate more memory than it install quickly 🙂 .

Hope! No more need to search for how to create a virtual machine using vmware. Don’t forget to share with your friends.

Mehran Aziz

I am a Student of Software Engineering. I love to share tips and techniques to solve Problems related to Internet and Computer technologies.